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Happy 4th Birthday RedSeven!

By May 15, 2018No Comments

2013, the year of ‘Get Lucky’ by Daft Punk, Beyonce lip synching the National Anthem #scandal, the rise of emojis…, and of course, the founding of RedSeven Marketing, as if you didn’t know already!

In those four years, the company has generated in excess of £4 million for our clients, offered trips to Poland, Barcelona, Australia, Switzerland, Italy, America to our team (as well as the UK but that’s not as glamorous), opened two additional offices in the south west, had countless progressions, and generally had a blast.

Although we try, fun and games isn’t all we do, there is a lot of hard work, determination and team effort that goes into running a successful organisation. With RedSeven’s 4th birthday around the corner, we wanted to check-in with Rob Cotterell and Nina Collis, who’ve been working together since the beginning. Running their successful Sales and Marketing company, from their headquarters in Swindon Old Town, is no mean feat! Its success hasn’t come as a surprise, but it hasn’t come easily either, so we wanted to get the scoop on what it takes to run an organisation – the good, the bad and the down right ugly. 

RedSeven Team

The transition from one office to multiple can be a daunting task for many entrepreneurs, (ft DJ Massive Risks and Tough Decisions). Here’s how RedSeven have tackled it head on and aren’t looking back.

1) So, tell us a little about the RedSeven Organisation

Rob: Putting it simply, it’s an energetic team of like minded entrepreneurs. We’re focused on achieving what we set out to, and are always looking to pushing the boundaries of what might seem impossible. The team aren’t afraid to fail, which more often than not actually leads to success. It’s an inspiring bunch of people to be around.

Nina: It’s like my second family! We are a great bunch of Brand Ambassadors; the face of brands who want to get their name out there.

2) How do your roles differ within the organisation?

Rob: I like to roll my sleeves up and personally coach the team everyday, you won’t catch me sat in my office alone with the door shut. Whether I’m engaging with customers to lead by example, or having one on one conversations to address any issues whilst offering solutions, I prefer to be in the action.

I like to think part of my role is to inspire our entrepreneurs, giving them a platform to improve their businesses’, proving that it’s possible to be the business person you want to be, and leading the business from the front. Although Nina handles all the administration, she is by no means ‘behind the scenes’, she supports me no end and has a great impact on the team each and every day.

Nina: Whilst many of the team don’t physically see the work I do, I am the first person many people meet when they apply for a role with us but I definitely make sure that everything is running smoothly so that Rob can focus on helping the Brand Ambassadors make the biggest impact possible.

3) What would you say is key for a harmonious working relationship?

Rob: I’d say honesty and communication is key, great relationships are formed through trust and mutual respect. If there is a problem you need to address it, but there are ways to do that positively.

Nina: Communication and the occasional chocolate milkshake for Rob. We have had some occasions where it hasn’t been perfect but that’s only because we both really care and want the best of the company. Whatever we are doing seems to be working though!

4) What’s it been like seeing RedSeven grow from a small team to an organisation?

Rob: RedSeven is my baby, or perhaps my 4 year old child, so I’m extremely proud of what we’ve achieved, especially in such a short amount of time. Although we’re still in our infant stage and there’s definitely a lot more to come, it’s great to look retrospectively and see how much fun we’ve had along the way.

Nina: I honestly feel my heart burst a bit, when you have invested so much effort into something and see the people you recruit flourish and succeed it makes you so proud.

5) Looking back, what would be the pinnacle of RedSeven’s success thus far?

Rob: I think for every business, once you expand you start to really believe that you could go far. We’ve recently expanded into multiple routes to market, making a name for ourselves in B2B, Residential and Events sectors. Seeing a team member you’ve watched grow and develop over a few years open their own company, and now work side by side with you will never get old I’m sure.

Nina: I would have to say watching Matt open his own project with Monument Promotions, see him standing at the front of the room and talk about his goals for the future was monumental (excuse the pun!). Knowing that we were a massive part of making that happen is really heart warming.

6) Why do you think your company has had the success it has done?

Rob: You’re only as good as the team around you and I have an incredibly motivated and dedicated team, I couldn’t ask for more. It’s not a skill set we’ve recruited though, people match our work ethic and vision and soon realise that things start to happen for them. We offer a fantastic opportunity and the coaching and support we offer is second to none, but only for those who work hard and match our efforts.

Nina: Hard work and tenacity, it’s a team effort. Everyone has shown incredible commitment and we can’t be held down! Bring on the next challenge.

7) What would your top tips for entrepreneurs, in any industry, looking to take the jump from a single entity to an organisation themselves be?

Rob: Plan your journey every step of the way. Business can be a physical and emotional rollercoaster so be prepared for the highs and the lows.

Never forget why you’re embarking on this journey either, remember why you started. Making sure your goals are not just about you, involving the people you care about, will keep you on track, otherwise you will find it easy to quit on yourself.

Nina: From my perspective absolutely be prepared. My friends at University used to laugh at me because I used to always say “what if?” and was over-prepared for everything. However, in this circumstance, it has paid us back dividends because the transition has been relatively smooth. Of course there will be things that crop up that you weren’t ready for, but if you have a Plan A it is far easier to adapt to Plan B.

8) What’s next on the RedSeven agenda?

Rob: We’re looking to open eight more offices in the next two years, adding more big brand clients to our portfolio, including commercial and non profit organisations. Nina and I can’t do it alone though, so we’ve always got one eye open for our next business partner!

Nina: World domination. But seriously… Currently, we are focusing on establishing our brand in events as there is a massive market out there for brand awareness that isn’t currently being utilised to its full potential. Mid-term, we’re aiming to open eight more offices throughout the country within the next two years.

RedSeven Progression

Every entrepreneurs’ story is different, some are fairly tame and to the book, some will leave you wondering why they didn’t give up… What’s interesting is that ‘lazy’ is never a term you’ll use to describe the entrepreneur themselves.

If you want something more for yourself, and know your work-ethic matches up, get in contact with Nina today on 01793 976 565 or send over your CV with a little introduction attached to

To catch a glimpse of the RedSeven team on their personal journeys, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

#RevolutionaryRedSeven #RedSeven #Swindon

Rob Cotterell

Author Rob Cotterell

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