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GoalsRevolutionary RedSevenTop Tips!

Building Blocks for a Stand-out 2018

By May 21, 2018No Comments

Was this you in January? Excited for the year ahead, ready to achieve all your hopes and dreams? Did it happen? (Honestly, did it? We’d love to know).

Whether it did or not, 2018 is a brand new year ready to be used, abused and fully embraced.

Now is the prime time to start putting plans into place, or at least have a think about what you’d perhaps like to achieve. As a company, we’re generally a minimum of three months ahead where strategy, event planning, content and meetings are concerned. The goals we hit this year though? We’ve known about them for years…

There’s no point in having a goal if you’re not willing to put in some effort to achieving it, it’s not just going to turn up in your lap one day! So here are some pointers to get you started:

There’s no “I” in “Team”

Whether your goal is to lose weight, start your own company or re-qualify for your dream career, the end result will be highly more attainable if the people around you are not only aware, but on the same page as you. Knowing your loved one is on a health kick should stop you bringing a pizza round, likewise, seeing your partner working hard to make their new business successful should mean you support their long hours and distracted attention.

Your team of people, whether that’s your employees or friendship group, will understand your journey and what it takes if you include them. They will in turn help you get there, feeling motivated to be a part of it.

Where business is concerned, you can’t expect your people to do their best work if they’re essentially jumping in blind. Would you board a train if you didn’t know where it was going or what the journey would entail? Probably not. It’s important to not only inform your team, but inspire them; let them know your ‘why’, but also, what’s in it for them – what’s their incentive?

As humans we get a sense of satisfaction, pride and achievement when we create something; seeing it grow from an idea to a reality. When you’re planning for your next year, yes you will have great ideas, but who’s to say someone else’s aren’t better? Giving your people a sense of ownership over the goal plan, knowing they had a part to play and consequently a part of it’s success, will increase motivation, dedication and performance no end.

Who are you accountable to? 

If your answer to that question is ‘myself only’, and that’s all it takes for you to stay on track, then good for you, but for those who struggle to perform at their utmost unless someone’s watching, it’s imperative to have someone you are accountable to.

Our Managing Director, Rob, has massive goals and makes sure EVERYONE knows about them – there’s nothing more motivating than the fear of public failure! Shouting from the rooftops isn’t everyone’s style though, sometimes having a mentor, someone you seek advice from, vent to and run problems past, is the perfect amount of accountability to keep you on track.

Top Tip: Incorporating a special someone into your goal adds an emotional trigger so each time you think about achieving it, those perceived associated emotions push you to keep going. In a sense, you are accountable to them.

Rewards aren’t only at the finish line

Everyone is different, some people’s goals are little and often whereas others are years down the line. If your goal seems too far away you can sometimes lose momentum; we’re only human, there’s only so long we can go without a treat, break or reward. But that time will pass whether you’re 100% focused or 50% distracted. The answer? Implementing more frequent, smaller steps throughout the process that require you to treat yourself. That can only be good news! We call them ‘Little Wins’.

Nina, our Office Manager, likes to link personal rewards to her business goals. She says “Rewards reinforce behaviour. Not implying that we are dogs, but knowing that if I keep performing the behaviours I need to hit my goal, that I can treat myself when it’s achieved definitely keeps me motivated. AND it makes me want to set more!” A great idea huh!

Everyone knows that goals are the backbone for success and although the new year tends to bring about a flurry of promises and focus, January the 1st isn’t the only ‘Day 1’ you’re entitled to. It doesn’t even have to be a Monday! The main thing to remember is that goals only work if you do, so whether you’re shooting for the stars or changing one thing at a time, today is the best day to start.

If you’re ready to make 2018 your best year yet, get in touch with our recruitment team to find out about the current opportunities at RedSeven. Email Nina at or call us on 01793 976 565. Follow us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for company updates.

#RevolutionaryRedSeven #Swindon

Rob Cotterell

Author Rob Cotterell

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